Hello! I am a French-Canadian mom of a 15 month old boy living in Zürich (8044) looking for some help with taking care of him 1-2x a week for 4-5 hours at a time.
This would include giving him meals that I’ve prepared, taking him to the park, playing ball with him, etc. The ideal person would speak to him in German or Swiss German and be able to communicate with me in either English or French.
If this job is of interest to you and for further details or questions, please feel free to message me. Thanks in advance!
Fr. 130 - 167 5 Std. / Woche
Beginnt: Bald
1 Kind
Babysitterin für 02.10.24
von Melina • Oerlikon
Mein 1-jähriger Sohn ist krank und kann deshalb nicht in die Kita. Ich bräuchte eine Babysitterin von 11:00 - 17:00. Ich bin am Mirgen noch zu Hause und erkläre alles bevor ich zur Arbeit gehe.
Fr. 155 - 200Einmalig, für 6 Std.
Beginnt: Bald
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