Cecilia Ana B.
5953 Tranekær, Syddanmark
Fra kr 150
Om Cecilia Ana
35 år
My name is Cecilia, I'm from Argentina.
I have experience in the health sector, I am a nurse in my country. My mother tongue is Spanish and I also speak English.
At the moment I don't speak Danish.
I worked in a dialysis center in Argentina, I am familiar with the care of people with kidney diseases. My academic background allows me to care for and accompany people of all ages.
I am a very proactive person and love to learn new things, so I think I could help you a lot.
Komfortabel med husdyr
Pasning af syge børn
Hvad jeg kan byde ind med
Øvrige tjenester
Hjælp med personlig hygiejne (bad, påklædning, mv.)
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