Soledad Sanchez
2720 København, Vanløse
Fra kr 150
Om Soledad
33 år
I am a student of soft skills and emotional intelligence. I am a person extremely motivated to constantly develop my skills and personal growth. I have an entrepreneurial and creative spirit. I love children and I would like to be part of their development process. I have 6 nephews whom I took care of when I was in Argentina, almost every afternoon
My skills:
- Excellent teamwork skills, as well as independently
- Ability to work under pressure and multi-task
- Ability to adapt to any work environment
- Ability to follow instructions and deliver quality results
- Communication, active listening and conflict management
Komfortabel med husdyr
Erfaring med at passe
Grundskolealder (7-11 år)
Hvad jeg kan byde ind med
Aktiviteter (fx. svømning)