Paula K.
8000 Århus, Aarhus C
Fra kr 125
Om Paula
22 år
I grew up in a large family, shouldering the responsibility of caring for others. As a young woman, I babysat five children aged 1 to 12. I've been actively involved, assisting with tasks such as transporting kids, providing round-the-clock care for 10 days alone during family business trips, filling in as a motherly figure, and supporting a one-year-old when his mother was hospitalized for six days. I've even traveled to a different country for two weeks to serve as a babysitter during a family vacation, managing various challenges such as homework assistance and meal preparation for kids with multiple allergies.
My experiences extend across diverse age groups, genders, and interests. Personally, I am an active individual who enjoys engaging in sports with kids, and I have a passion for creative activities like painting and drawing, which we often do together. Recognizing the importance of mothers having self-care time, I am dedicated to providing a joyful and supportive environment for both children and parents alike.
Komfortabel med husdyr
Erfaring med at passe
Grundskolealder (7-11 år)
Hvad jeg kan byde ind med
Madlavning / Forberedelse af måltid
Gymnasiel (Stx, Hhx, Htx, Hg, Hf)