Olivia T.
2900 Hellerup, Hovedstaden
Fra kr 125
Om Olivia
24 år
Hi! I'm 21 years old, from Finland but speak English as my main language and some Danish, and am living in Hellerup. I have been babysitting children between the ages of 5-10 here in Copenhagen for various families during the past few years. I also have a 9 years old little brother who I have had plenty of experience with as my parents have often traveller abroad for work throughout the years. I'm very social, active, and love to spend time with children doing different activities. I have plenty of free time as I am not starting further education until January. Let me know if you are interested :)
Komfortabel med husdyr
Erfaring med at passe
Grundskolealder (7-11 år)
Hvad jeg kan byde ind med
Lettere husholdningsarbejde
Gymnasiel (Stx, Hhx, Htx, Hg, Hf)