Natalia Marlene A.
1454 København, København K
Fra kr 125
Om Natalia Marlene
30 år
Tegnsprog SEE
I'm from Argentina and i have application of visa working and holiday for a year.
3 years ago I received a national physical education teacher, I worked 5 years in schools, 4 years in primary schools, 1 year in special education school, 2 years in initial education. I love to play and get to know the children. I consider myself a responsible person, cuddly, charismatic, respectful with others. I faithfully believe that children should be free to learn and play in all possible forms and ways. if possible I would like you to write to me by message for better communication and I am open to any questions.
Komfortabel med husdyr
Erfaring med at passe
Spædbarn (under 12 måneder)
Grundskolealder (7-11 år)
Hvad jeg kan byde ind med
Madlavning / Forberedelse af måltid
Lettere husholdningsarbejde
Aktiviteter (fx. svømning)
Erfaring i at arbejde med handicappede