Julian B.
4300 Holbæk, Sjælland
Fra kr 125
Om Julian
19 år
My hands-on experience has equipped me with the tools to create a positive and enriching childcare experience. I am particularly skilled at encouraging their social, emotional, and cognitive development. I also have a huge love for the outdoors, nature, hands-on activities, and can help implement some English language with the children being a native speaker. I'm currently working on and honing my Danish language skills, but I believe it would be a productive exchange of English and Danish. As I understand a lot of Danish, I am working on the oral aspect.
I look forward to assisting in any way I can!
Komfortabel med husdyr
Erfaring med at passe
Grundskolealder (7-11 år)
Hvad jeg kan byde ind med
Madlavning / Forberedelse af måltid
Lettere husholdningsarbejde
Eksamensbevis fra videregående uddannelse