Isabella H.
8200 Århus, Aarhus N
Fra kr 100
Om Isabella
24 år
I am a recent high school graduate from the United States who obtained the International Baccalaureate diploma. I just finished six months as a teacher at Stouby Skole and I am looking for work so I can continue to practice my danish. I am a native English speaker who also speaks Swedish, Spanish, and Danish. I am also a Danish citizen so it is legal for me to work in Denmark. I have eight years of experience with children from 1 month old to 13 years old, and I absolutely adore being with children. I am active, I play soccer and run, I am a baker, and I love to play with children. I have experience as a nanny, babysitter, preschool teacher, and primary school teacher, so I have plenty of experience. I hope to be able to help out you and your family!
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Grundskolealder (7-11 år)
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