Blanka M.
6100 Haderslev, Syddanmark
Fra kr 100
Om Blanka
29 år
I am Blanka, I'm 23 years old, I've just graduated in German Studies and I'm starting Teacher Education at UC SYD Haderslev in August. I've been working as a private tutor of English and German language for 3 years now. I spent three summers in Germany working as an au-pair and I worked as a camp counselor in the US, as well. I took part in international youth exchange programmes three times. I spent the summer of 2012 in the US (Minnesota) and in 2013 I traveled to Germany and Italy. I am thankful for the Hungarian Lions Clubs supporting my travels. On account of my times abroad I've learned how to solve difficulties, how to be independent, think and behave full-fledged, be open-minded and respectful. I would like to be an au-pair again because -as a soon-to-be I enjoy a lot working with children, even if it's teaching them or just being outdoors, do some sports or activities, play and have fun. I can't wait to start a new, amazing childcare experience!
Komfortabel med husdyr
Erfaring med at passe
Grundskolealder (7-11 år)
Har erfaring med tvillinger / trillinger
Kan passe 4 eller flere børn
Hvad jeg kan byde ind med
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