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Amanda H.
1757 København, København V
Fra kr 150 /t
års erf.
Fra kr 150

Om Amanda

36 år Taler Engelsk Dansk
Hi! My name is Amanda. I am a 31 year old American expat married to a Danish man. I have a wide variety of experience in working with children of every age and level of ability over the course of the last 10+ years. I've done everything from caring for premature infants, and other children with special needs, to teaching preschool, working in a ground-breaking birth to three program, and being a full-time nanny. I came to Denmark almost 5 years ago as an au pair and served 2 different Danish families. I have completed four out of five Danish levels and am good at communicating with children in Danish, and have done so before with no problems. I am available between the hours of 09:00 and 17:30 on Mondays and Fridays and between 08:00 and 13:30 Tuesday-Thursday. I have previous experience with the København's kommune subsidy contract for privat børnepasning and have references and letters of recommendation, as well as a current and notarized attestation of a clean criminal record. I am mostly looking for contracts of at least 8 months to a year and charge 150 dkk/hour. Multiples or families combining care are fine, with an additional charge of 50% for the second child, same as the kommune standard.
Ikke-ryger Komfortabel med husdyr

Erfaring med at passe

Småbørn (1-3 år)
Spædbarn (under 12 måneder)
Børnehavealder (4-6 år)
Kan passe op til 3 børn

Hvad jeg kan byde ind med

Hente og bringe
Madlavning / Forberedelse af måltid
Lettere husholdningsarbejde
Putning af børn
Aktiviteter (fx. svømning)


Erfaring med småbørn
Erfaring i at arbejde med handicappede
Babysitter diplom
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