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Alma P.
2100 København, København Ø
Fra kr 175 /t
års erf.
Fra kr 175

Om Alma

21 år Taler Svensk Engelsk
My name is Alma, I am 19 years old from Stockholm, Sweden. As a person, I am outgoing, positive and ambitious. I love spending time with kids and have a five year old little sister who I enjoy playing with and taking care of. I am currently studying at Copenhagen Business School for a Bachelor degree in Business Administration and Service Management with the concentration service and innovation. When I am not in school or at work I usually spend time with my friends or do sports such as playing tennis and padel. Alongside my studies, I worked additionally as a babysitter two days a week through the company My Nanny. This job required a lot of responsibility, creativity and flexibility. As an employee, I cooked, cleaned, played with and took care of a 5-year-old girl. I worked for one and the same family for over three and a half years and got to know the family and the profession exceedingly well.
Ikke-ryger Komfortabel med husdyr

Erfaring med at passe

Småbørn (1-3 år)
Grundskolealder (7-11 år)
Børnehavealder (4-6 år)
Kan passe op til 2 børn

Hvad jeg kan byde ind med

Hente og bringe
Madlavning / Forberedelse af måltid
Lettere husholdningsarbejde
Putning af børn
Aktiviteter (fx. svømning)
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Erfaring med småbørn
Gymnasiel (Stx, Hhx, Htx, Hg, Hf)