Selma G.
9000 Aalborg, Nordjylland
Fra kr 125
Om Selma
24 år
I know a bit of Danish which I learned in elementary- and high school so I can easily keep up a simple conversation
I love working with people! I come from a big family where I‘m the oldest of four siblings. My youngest brother is autistic and my younger sister has epilepsy so I‘m used to taking a lot of responsibility.
I‘m very hard working and the most energetic person you‘ll meet. I was raised by being always very helpful and kind to other people
I worked for a year in a nursery home (Hrafnista) in Iceland where I helped the elderly with their day to day life. I found some amazing connections with the people and I looked forward to very shift!
Komfortabel med husdyr
Uden kontakt
Har erfaring med omsorgsjob
Hvad jeg kan byde ind med
Hjælp med personlig hygiejne (bad, påklædning, mv.)
Se mere
Gymnasiel (Stx, Hhx, Htx, Hg, Hf)