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Luca T.
2500 København, Valby
Fra kr 175 /t
Fra kr 175

Om Luca

36 år Taler Italiensk Engelsk
I’ve always worked as a musician but over the years have developed a very strong interest in pursuing a teaching career. I have a diverse background working as a music teacher and pedagogue, as well as in leading activities outside of the traditional classroom. My first classroom teaching experience was in 2018 when I served as a support teacher in an elementary school short project that aimed to create awareness around agriculture, recycling and sustainability In addition, I worked as a music teacher in private schools in Italy, and this past year, I had the chance to grow as a teacher in the position of pedagogue at a small school in Denmark dedicated to students with special needs, helping them achieve great results on social, personal and educational aspects: managing the difference of abilities among my students proved sometimes difficult, but it was a gratifying challenge. I am an empathic person who would love to provide to people opportunities for interaction and have a meaningful life. I believe I would be an asset to your purpose.
Ikke-ryger Komfortabel med husdyr Har erfaring med omsorgsjob

Hvad jeg kan byde ind med

Omsorg i hjemmet
Udeboende hjemmehjælp
Hjælp med mobilitet
Hjælp med personlig hygiejne (bad, påklædning, mv.)
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Erfaring med handicap