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Teresia N.
New Zealand
Fra kr null /t

Om Teresia

27 år Taler Swahili Engelsk
My name is Teresia and I reside in Kenya, Africa. We are four family members; My dad, brother, sister and I. My Mum died in 2005 when I was young. I grew up taking care of my brother with the assistance of my grandmother. I have studied drawing and painting Arts at Buruburu Institute of Fine Arts. I love drawing as a hobby. Also I studied Health Service support or Care giver course at JFC Munene College of Health Sciences. I am knowledgeable in Childcare, First Aid, Housekeeping, infection prevention control and CPR. My passion has being into caring for children. I work at Mt.Sinai Hospital as a Caregiver and Volunteer Worker at Stewardship Ministry. We volunteer at different Children Home's in kenya; we cook, clean, dust and play indoor and outdoor activities with the Children. I am looking for a live-In arrangement with a host family that will be happy to stay with me for atleast 12 months or more. I would be happy if granted an opportunity to be an Aupair. It will be a dream come true. Also i would love to see snow for the first time. Sincerely, Teresia.
Ikke-ryger Komfortabel med husdyr


Småbørn (1-3 år)
Spædbarn (under 12 måneder)
Teenager (12+)
Grundskolealder (7-11 år)
Børnehavealder (4-6 år)
Har erfaring med omsorgsjob

Hvad jeg kan byde ind med

Putning af børn
Madlavning / Forberedning af måltid
Aflevering / Afhentning
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Certifikat i hjerte-lunge-redning
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