Piglets Playgroup

Tuesday, Apr 1 from 10:30–11:30am EDT (22 days away)
Weekly on Tue and Thu starting Tuesday, Sep 10 and ending Thursday, Jun 12
12 mos–5 yrs old
Required: an adult must stay

Piglet's Playgroup is a weekly session for children ages 1-5 and caregivers to nurture their creative relationships.

Through meaningful, sensory rich experiences including dry and messy sensory play, playdough provocations and collage tables, and paint exploration stations we will play and learn together, picking up powerful skills like problem solving and making friends.

We believe in child-led learning. There is so much power (and joy) that follows when you provide your child with the space and tools to discover themselves through sensory rich, meaningful exploration.

We hope you'll join us and share moments of joy magic together this fall.

Caregivers will leave with an understanding of the benefits of sensory play and tips on how to encourage this journey together at home.

Dress for a mess!

Mommy & me and piglets playgroup