Parent Work Time

Tuesday, Nov 11 from 9am–12pm MST (287 days away)
Weekly on Tue, Thu, and Fri starting Friday, Sep 2 and ending Wednesday, Dec 31
In business since '19
8 mos–10 yrs old
Required: an adult must stay
50% sibling discount available

Come work/study at the Treehouse while your little one plays with our kidcare leaders and playbuddies. You need to stay on site at all times. Taking kids potty and diaper changes are the responsibility of the parent.

*Memberships Required - to check out all the Community Treehouse has to offer call 970-444-0873 and set up a tour!

Please write your child's name on their snacks and water bottle.
For some of you this will be the first time to try and work. We have three steps to help you work while we play with your kiddo. First, come sit in our chair in the playroom to see how your child does playing , second, we will move you to the table in the back, and the last step is to work upstairs . We will work with you as slow or quick as you or your child wants :)

The Community Treehouse

The entrance for the Treehouse is to the right of the building (walk through the gate and head towards the playground--there is a "main" door to your left when you reach the sidewalk).

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