Curious Cubs Sping is Here

Friday, Mar 28 from 10โ€“11am MDT (19 days away)
Weekly on Fri starting Friday, Aug 16 and ending Friday, May 30
In business since '19
24 mosโ€“7 yrs old
Required: an adult must stay

Spring has arrived - in like a lion and out like a lamb - and we will be talking about the signs we see including the wind and making a cloud identifier for kids to look through and notice the different cloud formations and their names. Dress for lion or lamb weather. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Each week we will get curious about a new topic, read a story followed by developmentally appropriate hands-on activities to intrigue all learning styles through their own creative process all the while building social skills in our vibrant community. Geared towards ages 2-7.

*Memberships Required - to check out all the Community Treehouse has to offer call 970-444-0873 and set up a tour!

Join the Group Me Treehouse Group to stay up to date on if supplies are needed or if we are meeting outside of the Treehouse...