Adults: Sip and Spin (coffee edition) - Pottery on the Wheel

with Martín
Sat (2/22) 9–11am EST (2 hrs)
Sat (3/1) 9–11am EST (2 hrs)
In business since '15
For adults
$110 Waitlist

Gather your friends, your partner, BFF, or fav family member and join us on Saturday morning to sip from your mug while you play in the mud! Perfect for beginners: you'll learn the fundamentals of throwing on the wheel and glazing before the final firing and get a taste of what our longer wheel throwing courses are like. We provide coffee and snacks!

Sign up early for this fan favorite class!

NOTE: This is a 2-day series. You'll throw your pieces in the first session and glaze them in the second session after a bisque firing in between.

When working with clay on the wheel, it is recommended to trim long nails and remove jewelry from the hands and wrists.

Pottery, Adult, art, Special Events, and workshops
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