Adult Pottery on the Wheel: Intermediate

with Bel
Weekly on Tuesdays from Tue, Nov 26, '24 to Tue, Feb 11
Tue (2/11) 6:30–8:30pm EST (2 hrs)
Tue (11/26/24) 6:30–8:30pm EST (2 hrs)
Tue (12/3/24) 6:30–8:30pm EST (2 hrs)
Tue (12/10/24) 6:30–8:30pm EST (2 hrs)
Tue (12/17/24) 6:30–8:30pm EST (2 hrs)
Tue (1/7) 6:30–8:30pm EST (2 hrs)
Tue (1/14) 6:30–8:30pm EST (2 hrs)
Tue (1/21) 6:30–8:30pm EST (2 hrs)
Tue (1/28) 6:30–8:30pm EST (2 hrs)
Tue (2/4) 6:30–8:30pm EST (2 hrs)
Tue (2/11) 6:30–8:30pm EST (2 hrs)
In business since '15
For adults
$540 2 spots left!

This course is designed for intermediate potters who want to level up their skills by creating advanced forms including multi-part vessels like teapots, plates, cake plates, lidded vessels, and larger vases. Each class, we will demonstrate a new form and surface design techniques.

Pre-requisites for this course are that you have taken at least one Adult Pottery on the Wheel class at Studio on the Common or a similar course elsewhere OR you can confidently center 3 to 5 lbs of clay on the wheel and pull a cylinder form from it.

If you don't meet those prerequisites, we are still offering multiple beginner courses at Studio on the Common for you to learn and practice the basics of wheel throwing, trimming, and glazing.

Open Studio time is included with your registration. Additional clay can be purchased at the studio.

Please note that our Pottery Studio is a food free environment! Have a snack beforehand, but closed container beverages are welcome! Thank you!

Pottery, Adult, and art
This series is no longer available for purchase