Centro Primeros Pasos Private STEAM Camp
STEMful Team is offering two fun days of learning about bugs and chemistry. This camp integrates fun learning of bugs and chemistry by entwining play throughout the day.
9/3: Bugs
9/4: Chemical Reactions
Admin Fee is for Employee Healthcare Contribution.
Curriculum and Videos: As part of our curriculum, we use short video clips to show kids an experiment or demonstration, or reiterate a concept. Video clips range from 3-6 min long with a max of 2 videos on any given day.
Please pack snack, lunch and drink. We encourage using REUSABLE containers to help US be more eco-friendly by reducing waste that we put in our landfill.
Camp Cancellation policy: https://sf-stemful.com/camp-cancellation-policy/
Camp schedule: https://sf-stemful.com/stemful-camp-preschool-schedule/
NOTE: There is no nap time provided in our program.
Please review our logistics prior to attending camp: https://sf-stemful.com/camp-logisitics/.