Numbers Game - Curie (Mini Day)

Wednesday, Apr 2 from 9am–1pm PDT (24 days away) View the full camp
In business since March, '17
3½–5½ yrs old
Drop-off: kids only
$100 Waitlist plus 3.85% admin fee

Numbers are everywhere and are important to our daily life. Students will learn numbers through play and interactive activities, including how to count up and down, and working on a science project based on numbers.

This mini camp day is ideal for students who still requires a nap. This short day is also perfect for students who would like to experience a STEAM camp before attending a longer program day.

NOTE: We do not offer naps in our program. There is quiet time after lunch and outdoor time at the Upper Noe Valley Park (Day St at Sanchez Street).

Admin Fee is for Employee Healthcare Contribution.

Sibling Discounts: To receive 5% sibling discount when you concurrently enroll two or more siblings in a separate "age-specific" camp, enter in code: 2025-camp-siblings during check-out.

Requirements: Camper must be at least 3.5 yrs old and can use the bathroom with MINIMAL help and DOES NOT wear a diaper.

This camp also includes transitional kindergarteners.

Curriculum and Videos: As part of our curriculum, we use short video clips to show kids an experiment or demonstration, or reiterate a concept. Video clips range from 3-6 min long with a max of 3 videos on any given day.

Please pack snack, lunch and drink. We encourage using REUSABLE containers to help US be more eco-friendly by reducing waste that we put in our landfill.

Camp Cancellation policy:

Camp schedule:
NOTE: There is no nap time provided in our program.

Please review our THINGS TO KNOW prior to attending camp:

We are flexible on your need for precare (8:00-9:00am)
Precare can be added one day prior to camp.

$15 8:00-9:00am
STEM, 2024-25 School Break Camps, and Mini Camp