Broadway Mini-Stars

Wednesday, Mar 26 from 10:30–11:30am CDT View the full series
In business since July, '16
24 mos–3 yrs old
Required: an adult must stay
$40 1 spot left!
50% sibling discount available
Discounts available when you purchase two or more eligible events!

Feeling like your Broadway Baby is ready for the next step? Then this class is just for you! Broadway Mini-Stars uses the magic of musical theater to help ease the transition from toddler to preschooler by combining the Broadway & Me class you know and love with structured activities designed to encourage independence and help your little one adapt to a group classroom setting. Each week, little Broadway fans and caregivers are introduced to exciting new songs, characters, and stories as Broadway Musicals are brought to life by a team of professional teaching artists. After that, it’s time to dive into a process art activity inspired by the show of the week. Created by a professional performer turned early childhood development specialist, Broadway Mini-Stars is both entertaining and developmentally appropriate!

Class Policies:
• Class enrollment will be capped at 12 families per class.
• Toys and Props will be sanitized between each class.
• Mats will be provided and sanitized between classes.

Broadway Mini-Stars, dance, theater, music, and Spring 2025
This activity already took place