Girls Youth Parkour Two

Weekly on Tuesdays from Tue, Sep 3, '24 to Tue, Dec 17, '24
Tue (9/3/24) 4:30–6pm MST (90 min)
Tue (9/10/24) 4:30–6pm MST (90 min)
Tue (9/17/24) 4:30–6pm MST (90 min)
Tue (9/24/24) 4:30–6pm MST (90 min)
Tue (10/1/24) 4:30–6pm MST (90 min)
Tue (10/15/24) 4:30–6pm MST (90 min)
Tue (10/22/24) 4:30–6pm MST (90 min)
Tue (10/29/24) 4:30–6pm MST (90 min)
Tue (11/5/24) 4:30–6pm MST (90 min)
Tue (11/12/24) 4:30–6pm MST (90 min)
Tue (11/19/24) 4:30–6pm MST (90 min)
Tue (12/3/24) 4:30–6pm MST (90 min)
Tue (12/10/24) 4:30–6pm MST (90 min)
Tue (12/17/24) 4:30–6pm MST (90 min)
9–11 yrs old
Drop-off: kids only
$480 Waitlist plus 3.95% service fee

Playformance Parkour Level Two is best for ages 9, 10, 11 regardless of experience.

Girls Youth Parkour Two is a female focused parkour group for ages 9-11, where girls interested in exploring parkour can build self-esteem, camaraderie, and physical strength in a welcoming and challenging environment. This class provides a safe, non-threatening environment specifically designed for girls and those more comfortable in a female centered environment. Girls Youth Parkour Two meets once a week for 90 minutes.

Girls are, of course, welcome to join any of the Youth Classes we offer in addition to, or in lieu of this one. All children who would feel more supported in a girls-centered class are welcome. Please contact us if this is the case for your child.

Parkour is a training discipline focused on how to use your challenges to grow physically, mentally, and socially. Practitioners aim to get from one point to another in a complex environment, without assistive equipment and in the fastest and most creative way possible. Parkour includes running, climbing, swinging, vaulting, jumping, rolling, quadrupedal movement (crawling) and other movements as deemed most suitable for the situation and challenge.

No classes the week of October 7th and week of November 25th.

Contact Cole with questions about which class is right for your child:

Please bring a refillable water bottle to each class.
Scholarships available

No classes the week of October 7th and week of November 25th.

parkour, play, sports, and spring2024
This series already took place