Parkour Open Gym (best for ages 7-11)
Thursday, Mar 20 from 5:45–7pm MST (9 days away)
7–12 yrs old
Drop-off: kids only
plus 3.95% service fee
10% sibling discount available
Open gym and tricking time for those curious about parkour or current students. Ages 7 and up. No experience is necessary. Our coaches take an active role in your child's time here, offering challenges, teaching new moves, and having fun playing active games.
This is a PARKOUR open gym time and is meant for the practice and study of parkour moves. This is not a free play time. Please take a look at our Saturday Camps for an opportunity for free play without a parkour focus.
Bring water bottle and be prepared to be barefoot. All levels welcome. This is a PARKOUR open gym, not a free play event :)