Parkour Competition - 6 to 10 years old

Saturday, Apr 29, '23 from 9am–1pm MST
6–10 yrs old
Optional: adults can stay or take a breather
$40 plus 3.95% service fee

Join us for our amazing Spring Parkour Competition! Events include Speed and Skill competitions.

Registration gets you all of the following:
-Entry into skill and speed events
-One spectator ticket
-Swag bag to celebrate participation in the event

Schedule of the day
6 - 10 year olds competition 9 am to 1 pm
11-18 and adults competition 2 pm to 6 pm

Check-in begins 30 minutes prior to start of competition.

Description of events:

Athletes will compete to be the fastest through an obstacle course in their age category. Athletes will go one at a time in a time trial style.

Athletes will have a set amount of time to attempt as many challenges as possible. Challenges will test athletes on a wide variety of skills so make sure you don’t skip areas of practice! Competitors will receive points for their level of completion on each challenge, most points wins!

Athletes will compete against kiddos within their age category, which are the following. 6-7, 8-9-10, 11-12, 13-14, 15-16-17-18, Adult 19-29 and Adult 30 and up.

More info to come!

This registration includes one participating athlete registration and one spectator ticket. If you do NOT have an athlete participating in the competition but want to come and watch, please go back to the calendar page and purchase a spectator ticket. Questions? email

$5 Additional Spectator Ticket
parkour, play, and sports
This activity already took place