The Magical Language of Music: Soulful Solfège (Introduction)

Weekly on Tuesdays from Tue, Sep 28, '21 to Tue, Nov 16, '21
Tue (9/28/21) 12–12:45pm PDT (45 min)
Tue (10/5/21) 12–12:45pm PDT (45 min)
Tue (10/12/21) 12–12:45pm PDT (45 min)
Tue (10/19/21) 12–12:45pm PDT (45 min)
Tue (10/26/21) 12–12:45pm PDT (45 min)
Tue (11/2/21) 12–12:45pm PDT (45 min)
Tue (11/9/21) 12–12:45pm PDT (45 min)
Tue (11/16/21) 12–12:45pm PDT (45 min)
8–11 yrs old
Optional: adults can stay or take a breather
$120 1 spot left!
50% sibling discount available
Discounts available when you purchase two or more eligible events!

​There is no need for a separate musical instrument for these classes, the only instrument required is your voice! With the Loving guidance of Mrs. H, a healthy approach to singing is explored through storytelling, songs, movement, art, and more! A gentle and holistic approach to music literacy, The Magical Language of Music courses are not one in which ideas are committed to memory... they are learned by Heart.

In this session, students will be introduced to the foundations of an age-appropriate approach to vocal pedagogy while learning the folk songs from the upcoming Soulful Solfège class. To embrace the learners who are new to The Magical Language of Music classes, this class will also review some of the foundational musical concepts that were covered in the Foundations of Music classes. (For returning learners, please note that this will be review. 😊)

Class meetings begin with actively listening to pieces of music that demonstrate healthy singing. Students will discuss the pieces of music, and create art based on these listening examples. Following the active listening activity, each class meeting will alternate between presentation of a new concept in vocal technique and an introduction to a foundational music concept, all of which is then put into practice through the singing of simple folk songs, and a healthy dose of movement and dancing!

Inspired by blending the Kodály approach to music education and the Waldorf approach to literacy, the holistic methods in The Magical Language of Music classes provide students with an enjoyable experience that allows them to conceptualize musical concepts in an imaginative way.

- Main Lesson Book (A sketchbook works great, or loose papers that can be then bound when completed)
- Good quality crayons or other colorful drawing medium

Please view the Attendance Policy here:

Please view the Cancellation/Refund Policy here:

This online class is experienced via the online conferencing app, Zoom. Please download the app prior to the first class meeting.

You can view and download the Zoom app here

On the day of your student's classes, just set them up with their supplies for that week's class and make sure they are in a comfortable environment with minimal distractions. Then click the link and we are well on our way to our musical adventures!

This series already took place