Family Music

Friday, Feb 21 from 9:15–10am EST (It's today!)
Weekly on Fri starting Friday, Nov 15 and ending Monday, Mar 31
All ages
Required: an adult must stay
$59 1 spot left!

What to expect in class:
Engage your little one in a multi-age music class which provides opportunities not only to learn musical techniques, styles, and about different instruments, but also supports social and emotional development.

Physical: Sensory exploration time is supported while children practice their motor skills, which is crucial for your child’s overall development.

Cognitive: Music play helps activate parts of the brain responsible for music and speech processing. It creates an early appreciation of music and supports language development.

Social: Through music, you can hear and feel emotions. Tunes can be happy, sad, or angry! This supports social development in understanding emotions in a new way.

Adults: You get to engage with your little one making emotional connections and strong bonds. Being involved in your child’s play helps both you feel more connected.

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