Open Gym Gymbo Talk - Winter 2025
The Program Director of Little Sunshine's Playhouse & Preschool (R) A Reggio Emilia School, will be on site for the first of our Winter Gymbo Talks Winters Series - Building Brighter Futures: Exploring Educational Systems. Exact time TBD.
Children may enjoy our indoor play equipment while bonding with adults and socializing with other children. Adults get to socialize with other adults while fawning over their children.
All memberships include unlimited Open Gyms. All others 6 months-6 years must purchase an Open Gym Pass:
1. Adults must wear socks.
2. Children should play barefoot or wear socks with grips on them.
3. Adults must remain within a hug's reach of little ones.
4. Please wear a RED or YELLOW wristband (available at front desk) on both your and children's wrists if it is not OK to post photos or videos to websites or social media sites. Be sure to return after class.