Family Art - Winter 2025

Saturday, Dec 21 from 11:30am–12:15pm CST (24 days away)
Weekly on Wed and Sat starting Sunday, Dec 1 and ending Saturday, Mar 1
18 mos–6 yrs old
Required: an adult must stay
$40 Free trial for new customers

RESERVATIONS MUST BE MADE AT LEAST 3 HOURS IN ADVANCE (this class will not be visible after that time) as materials must be prepared in advance. There is a $5 fee if you do not cancel your reservation at least 1 hour in advance and do not attend class. Thank you for your understanding.

Focusing on process over product, children will get to express themselves while using various art mediums and themes. Classes include story time with a snack.

The instructor will vary based on their schedules.

Click the link for more class details:

1. Adults must wear socks on their feet and are available for sale if forgotten.
2. Children may play barefoot or wear socks with grips on them.
3. Stay within a hug's reach of your child for their safety and the safety of others.
4. Please reserve your classes in advance and reschedule/cancel if you know you cannot attend (such as due to illness) as we are limited by room size.
5. Please wear a RED or YELLOW wristband (available at front desk) on both your and children's wrists if it is not OK to post photos or videos to websites or social media sites. Be sure to return after class.