Crawlers Play & Learn

Wednesday, Feb 12 from 1:30–2:15pm PST (2 days away)
Weekly on Wed starting Monday, Dec 26 and ending Sunday, Mar 16
6–14 mos old
Required: an adult must stay
C$25.99 Free trial for new customers plus 5% sales tax

Explore your baby’s newfound mobility every week through teacher-led activities on the equipment, play as a group and socialize with others!
*Play Rules*
- Arrive 5-10 minutes early for checking in.
- 1 adult and 1 child for each class reservation.
- Food & drinks are not allowed in class.
- Adults are required to wear socks.
- Children should go barefoot.
- Only bring healthy children to class.
*Note: Cancellation or reschedule must be made 24 hours before the start of the class to get a refund.