
with Judy L.
Friday, Jan 24 from 11:30am–12:15pm EST (6 days away)
Weekly on Wed, Thu, Fri, and Sat starting Wednesday, Sep 14 and ending Saturday, Mar 1
16–26 mos old
Required: an adult must stay
$35 $25 trial for new customers

It's all about opposites! Loud and quiet, fast and slow, up and down! Contrasting 'themes' means your child is learning better ways to communicate. Explore the different equipment pieces each week to build problem solving, navigating skills, and confidence.

*Please do not arrive more than 5 minutes early, this will prevent classes from overlapping and allow us to use the window between play times to make sure everything is sanitized and ready for the next class.

* Socks are REQUIRED for all adults! (available for $2 if you forget, we do not have loaners to borrow)

*We have a NO illness policy, anyone showing signs of illness will be asked to leave(please don't put us in this position)

Your health and safety is our top priority!