Family Art

Thursday, Mar 6 from 12–12:45pm PST (12 days away)
Weekly on Thu starting Saturday, Jun 1 and ending Saturday, Jan 10
18 mos–5 yrs old
Required: an adult must stay

Sculpt with dough, create a collage and experiment with different mediums, or get creative with puppets and dramatic play. Let the inspiration flow making one-of-kind works of art! Whether you are attending with your single child, or multiple children, this class is for children 18 months to 5 years!

- If you are unable to attend a previously reserved class, please cancel 8 hours in advance
- Only one adult per child is allowed to enter the class
- If you or your little one is sick or ill, please reschedule your class.
- Guests 18 and over are permitted into the classroom. Anyone under the age of 18 (excluding the legal guardian) will not be allowed.
- Younger infants/siblings can come in with a mandatory sling/baby carrier.