
Wednesday, Feb 19 from 9–9:45am PST
Weekly on Mon, Wed, Fri, and Sat starting Sunday, Jan 1 and ending Saturday, Jan 10
10–18 mos old
Required: an adult must stay

Give your little one a safe space to practice their growing skills! Explore diverse physical movements like climbing, crawling, and balancing to support healthy muscle and bone development, while also practicing social skills and memory building through sing-alongs and group-play.

- If you are unable to attend a previously reserved class, please cancel 8 hours in advance
- Only one adult per child is allowed to enter the class
- If you or your little one is sick or ill, please reschedule your class.
- Guests 18 and over are permitted into the classroom. Anyone under the age of 18 (excluding the legal guardian) will not be allowed.
- Younger infants/siblings can come in with a mandatory sling/baby carrier.

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