Slip Casting 101: Two Part Mold

Weekly on Mondays from Wed, Mar 12 to Mon, Apr 21
Mon (3/17) 6–9pm CST (3 hrs)
Mon (3/24) 6–9pm CST (3 hrs)
Mon (3/31) 6–9pm CST (3 hrs)
Mon (4/7) 6–9pm CST (3 hrs)
Mon (4/14) 6–9pm CST (3 hrs)
Mon (3/17) 6–9pm CST (3 hrs)
Mon (3/24) 6–9pm CST (3 hrs)
Mon (3/31) 6–9pm CST (3 hrs)
Mon (4/7) 6–9pm CST (3 hrs)
Mon (4/14) 6–9pm CST (3 hrs)
Mon (4/21) 6–9pm CST (3 hrs)
In business since '17
For adults
$230 Waitlist

This class requires you bring your own particulate mask - either a N95 disposable or a P100 respirator (recommended).

This is a 6 week class that covers making 1 and 2 part mold making, and then using slip to cast from a mold. Students will complete one mold, and about 2-8 casted forms. You should have your object approved by the instructor a few days before that class (contact through email).

*Participants must take classes appropriate to their skill level. If you knowingly take a class that is inappropriate to your skill level we may remove you from the class and issue a refund. If you have questions, please email us.*

Included with this class:

-This class includes a gallon of slip, and plaster for one mold.

-This class is held in the basement of GnarWare. (down a flight of stairs)

We do not refund cancellations less then 24 hours in advance. We can not offer make ups for missed classes.

Clay 101, Upcoming, art, slip casting, and Upcoming
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