Spring 2024 Class - Ballet 1

Weekly on Thursdays from Sun, Jan 21, '24 to Thu, Apr 18, '24
Thu (1/25/24) 6:20–7:20pm CDT (60 min)
Thu (2/1/24) 6:20–7:20pm CDT (60 min)
Thu (2/8/24) 6:20–7:20pm CDT (60 min)
Thu (2/15/24) 6:20–7:20pm CDT (60 min)
Thu (2/22/24) 6:20–7:20pm CDT (60 min)
Thu (2/29/24) 6:20–7:20pm CDT (60 min)
Thu (3/7/24) 6:20–7:20pm CDT (60 min)
Thu (3/21/24) 6:20–7:20pm CDT (60 min)
Thu (3/28/24) 6:20–7:20pm CDT (60 min)
Thu (4/4/24) 6:20–7:20pm CDT (60 min)
Thu (4/11/24) 6:20–7:20pm CDT (60 min)
Thu (4/18/24) 6:20–7:20pm CDT (60 min)
8–99 yrs old
Drop-off: kids only
$230 Waitlist
Discounts available when you purchase two or more eligible events!

This beginning level class is designed to develop awareness of alignment and basic ballet vocabulary and technique. This class will focus on ballet terminology and technique through the execution of barre work, center, and across the floor exercises. This is great for young performers ready to enhance their overall performance quality through dance technique.

Participants need their own ballet shoes.

Female Attire: leotard (any color), tights (any color), hair pulled back, leggings and a tank top are acceptable. A ballet skirt is acceptable.

Male Attire: shorts or athletic pants (non-baggy), t-shirt or tank top.

Dance, Class, Ballet, and Spring 2024
This series already took place