I Heart Art 2019

Saturday, Nov 2, '19 from 7–11pm CST
In business since '08
All welcome

Color Me Empowered (CME) is proud to announce our 4th annual, 2019 Annual Fundraiser,‘ I HEART ART’ 100 Stories To Tell, located in their beloved new headquarters in the heart of Oak Cliff, 2101 W. Clarendon Dr. Dallas, TX 75208. Color Me Empowered is a non-profit that provides programming to empower children and communities through visual arts education and the implementation of civic art.
This year’s event is produced in partnership with FGIII Fine Art Productions (FGIII) and sponsored by Maddrey, PLLC, Sunflower Catering, and DJ Brax. The theme for our ‘I HEART ART’ fundraiser this year will be 100 Stories To Tell.
Maddrey, PLLC has generously sponsored 100 – 24”x24” gallery wrapped canvases for 100 established DFW mid-career artists, who’ll tell 100 stories with each art piece. All canvases will be sold for a flat rate of $400,
allowing attendees a phenomenal one-chance opportunity to own original art by local celebrated artists. ‘I HEART ART’ provides Color Me Empowered an avenue to maintain their respected relationship with DFW artists by splitting the sale of each art piece with the artist who created it.

$5 optional donation
i heart art
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