Intro to Flyball
Weekly on Sundays from Sun, Jan 5 to Sun, Mar 30
Sun (3/16) 6:45–7:45pm CDT (60 min)
Sun (3/30) 6:45–7:45pm CDT (60 min)
Sun (1/5) 6:45–7:45pm CDT (60 min)
Sun (1/26) 6:45–7:45pm CDT (60 min)
Sun (2/2) 6:45–7:45pm CDT (60 min)
Sun (2/9) 6:45–7:45pm CDT (60 min)
Sun (2/16) 6:45–7:45pm CDT (60 min)
Sun (3/2) 6:45–7:45pm CDT (60 min)
Sun (3/16) 6:45–7:45pm CDT (60 min)
Sun (3/30) 6:45–7:45pm CDT (60 min)
View all 8 dates
All welcome
Topics/exercises covered in the first. six-week session include toy/play reward system, turn direction, restrained recall, jump commitment, box foundations/targeting
For healthy ball-loving dogs who are six months and older and not reactive.
Completion of Obedience 1 at Cloud Nine or the equivalent or permission of instructor.
Dogs must be comfortable being handled by other people.
Dogs must have a basic recall.
Dogs must be content to rest in their crate between turns during class.