Murray Winter Electives Mondays: The NASA Academy of Future Space Explorers by MAD Science (Grades K-2)

Weekly on Mondays from Mon, Feb 24 to Mon, May 5
Mon (2/24) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (3/3) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (3/17) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (3/24) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (3/31) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (2/24) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (3/3) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (3/17) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (3/24) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (3/31) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (4/7) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (4/28) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (5/5) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
All ages
Drop-off: kids only
$293 Waitlist

***This course is ONLY for Grades K-2***

From our earth’s atmosphere to the outer reaches of our solar
system, join us on a quest for exploration! Comets, planets, stars
and more are all waiting to be discovered. Learn about the four
forces of flight and the challenges of space travel. Some of the
weekly topics in this session include: Planets and Moons,
Atmosphere and Beyond, Space Phenomena, Sun and Stars, Rocket
Science parts 1 and 2, Space Travel, Space Technology, and Living in

If you would inquire about scholarship opportunities please contact, Lissi Garcia at | Si desea consultar sobre oportunidades de becas, comuníquese con Lissi Garcia a

The program is subject to change before registration. Check the website for the most current offerings. If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Torres at | El programa está sujeto a cambios antes del registro. Consulte el sitio web para conocer las clases más actuales. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Andrea Torres a

academic and Electives
This series is no longer available for purchase