Chatsworth Winter Electives Mondays: Chess by Mike Amori (Grades 3-5)

Weekly on Mondays from Mon, Feb 24 to Mon, May 5
Mon (2/24) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (3/3) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (3/17) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (3/24) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (3/31) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (2/24) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (3/3) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (3/17) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (3/24) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (3/31) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (4/7) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (4/28) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
Mon (5/5) 3:15–4:15pm EST (60 min)
All ages
Drop-off: kids only

***This course is ONLY for Grades 3-5**

Come join us on Mondays for a real adventure on the 64 Squares.
Each week, coach Mike Amori will show games of Grandmasters
and chess playing kids your own age. After learning new ideas and
strategies you will play your own games and experience the thrills
and drama of real chess. Hope you can join us.

If you would inquire about scholarship opportunities please contact, Suehay Gonzalez at | Si desea consultar sobre oportunidades de becas, comuníquese con Suehay Gonzalez a

The program is subject to change before registration. Check the website for the most current offerings. If you have any questions, please contact Andrea Torres at | El programa está sujeto a cambios antes del registro. Consulte el sitio web para conocer las clases más actuales. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con Andrea Torres a

academic and Electives
This series is no longer available for purchase