USA Archery Instructor Training Level 2 Practical

Saturday, May 17 from 8am–5pm EST (100 days away)
In business since '15
For kids and adults
$235 per kid $235 per adult ticket

In this course we will review and put into practice the information learned in the USA Archery Level 2 Instructor Training on line course to include, range safety, range setup, how to run a beginner class and learn how to create a lesson plan. We will review the steps of shooting and you will learn how to teach them. We will review the Four Coaching Positions and learn to problem solve shots based on where the arrows land. You will learn the basics of equipment and repair. In order to take this practical component you must complete the online Level 2 Instructor course, complete Safesport and complete a background check.

You must complete the online course prior to attending this practicum.

You must also register for the practical with USA archery. There is no added cost for the practical but they require the registration.

Please dress for outdoor weather. No sandals. We will provide sunscreen, insect repellent and water.

Instructor training