Susan's Ark is a christian family in-home childcare provider. I have three full-time openings for children ages two and older. I am a DPI licensed early childhood teacher with 8 years of teaching experience in Oshkosh. I am staying home with my own small children recently. I use a christian...
Young children are naturally curious, creative and open to new learning experiences. At Christian Community Childcare Center, your child is provided with stimulating activities in language arts, music, science, math, art, sensory experiences, large motor activities and more. The staff has a thorough...
FIRST PRESBYTERIAN NURSERY CENTER in Oshkosh, WI offers an atmosphere that encourages small and large muscle development. They promote positive self-esteem, cultural diversity, social interaction, and intellectual growth. This child care organization also provides activities that are developmentally...
Peace Christian Preschool located at 240 W 9th Avenue, Oshkosh, WI is a faith-based early childhood facility serving three to four-year-old children. The school utilizes the Creative Preschool Curriculum focusing on Christian values through Bible stories, music, daily interactions, and art.