Rescue dog Nora and her tiny human Archie are officially our new #BestFriendGoals. The adorable pair loves adventures and playtime, but more than anything, they live for their daily naps. And thanks to their awesome mama we get to see all the cuteness in action.
Nora is an English Pointer who was rescued about seven years ago before her owners had kids. Since then, the family has grown to include three kiddos, three rescue pups and three cats. Seems like a lot, right? Despite what some would consider total chaos, mom of the house Elizabeth Spence makes it all look fabulous and fun. Just look at how adorable Nora and 8-months-old Archie are together. Here’s the duo battling a cold day:
Look at how cute their ghost costumes were for Halloween:
There’s always time for more cuddles, but sometimes you need your favorite toy to ensure a good rest. Good thing Nora and Archie don’t mind sharing their space:
The pair also loves to watch their neighbors stroll by. (We guess they’re great at making new friends, since the charming team has racked up more than 60,000 followers on Instagram.)
They even have custom super hero capes. All together now: “Awwww!”
Here’s even more cuteness from their daily naps. Look at those tiny little moccasins!! [Insert squeal.]
What best friend duo doesn’t share a good snack? Look how patient Nora is while Archie figures out if he’s sharing his meal or not. These two prove there’re few things better than babies and puppies being best friends:
“Archie is mostly over his cold, but mama Nora is sticking close nevertheless,” Spence wrote of the picture below. “She sure loves her boy!”
Considering these two are already inseparable, we guess the loyal companions will have a life filled with fun adventures. But, for now, they’re going to rest up: