You Have to See This ‘Rapunzel Baby’ and Her Amazing Hair

Bella Cole is only 8 months old -- and has better hair than most adult humans. 

You Have to See This ‘Rapunzel Baby’ and Her Amazing Hair

Hair envy: we’ve all felt it. Whether your hair is straight, curly, wavy, etc., chances are good that you’ve admired another’s locks at one point or another.

Well, step aside, Fabio, there’s a new hair icon in town — 8-month-old Bella Cole.

“I had a caesarean when Bella was born, and the first thing the surgeon said was, ‘she’s got a lot of hair!'” said Bella’s mom Phillipa Rabbitts. “She was only 4 lbs 11 when she was born and three weeks early, and with this thick, dark hair she looked just like a little doll.”

The Rabbitts family lives in England and is constantly stopped on the street. Why? Because people just can’t believe that Bella’s hair is real. 

“All the midwives came to have a look at her afterward, they’d never seen such a hairy newborn before,” Rabbitts told The Mirror. “She was quite an attraction!” 

Image via Phillipa Rabbitts.

And, luckily, Bella is a big fan of all the extra care her hair gets. 

“She absolutely loves having it washed and brushed, I give her a little head massage too and she loves it,” her mom said. “The only thing she’s not keen on his a hairdryer, so for now I tend to towel try it – it’s so thick so it takes a long time to try, so I’m trying to get her used to it!”

With so much hair, Rabbitts said that Bella’s beauty routine is already a bit of a time suck. 

“It takes a while to brush and style – I have to get all the knots out,” her mom said. “I spend longer on her hair than I do on my own – it takes twice as long.” 

Bella doesn’t seem to mind the extra attention from strangers, though. 

“She’s pretty chilled out, everyone’s always touching it so she’s used to it being played with,” Rabbitts said. “It does throw a lot of people off – she turns a lot of heads because she’s so small, and people can’t fathom that she’s got this wild head of hair at her age.” 

The family thinks dad’s thick hair combined with mom’s dark hair led to Bella’s beautiful mane, which they’re not quite ready to trim. 

“It really needs a cut – the longest bit now is down to her shoulders – but I’m reluctant to cut it,” Rabbitts said. “I want her to be like a real-life Rapunzel when she’s older!”

Jerriann Sullivan

Jerriann is a writer with endless love for pizza, red wine, and bad reality television.