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Why the Fair Care Pledge Matters

Learn why you should join us and take the pledge to value, professionalize and respect the people who care for our children, loved ones and our homes. 

Why the Fair Care Pledge Matters

We want what’s best for our children. We take pride in taking care of our homes. And we respect our elders.

We work hard to uphold these values. And society respects that hard work.

But it doesn’t hold the work that makes our work possible in the same high esteem.   

We talking about care.

Did you know the average care worker makes $9 an hour? That half of care workers are on public assistance? Did you know more than 90 percent of domestic employees do not receive benefits, like health care, through their employers?


In 2015, joined forces with Hand in Hand and the National Domestic Workers alliance to launch the Fair Care Pledge and support fair employment practices for caregivers.

In the first year, 150,000 families took the pledge, committing to providing fair pay, clear expectations and paid time off for their domestic employees. But this is only the beginning.

As the demand for care continues to grow, we must work together to improve the professionalism, respect and working environment for domestic workers. If we don’t start to value care, we might not have the supply to meet the demand.

Watch the video to learn why you should join us and take the pledge to value, professionalize and respect the people who care for our children, loved ones and our homes.

If you’ve signed the Fair Care Pledge, thank you for valuing care and its role in all of our lives. If you haven’t signed the pledge yet, please consider doing so here.