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When do babies roll over? Experts explain its importance

Learn how rolling over marks a key step in your baby’s development, plus tips to encourage their progress.

When do babies roll over? Experts explain its importance

In the first few months of infancy, your baby depends entirely on you to move from one place to another. It takes time for them to control their heads or hold on to the things they want. You place a rattle or pacifier in their hands, and a few moments later you are picking it up off the floor. But little by little, you start to feel their grip getting stronger and notice they’re able to hold their head up without your help. However, when your baby begins to roll over on their own, it signals a major shift toward your child becoming more physically and socially independent.

“Rolling over is not just a simple movement; it is a key milestone that supports motor, cognitive and sensory development. It builds strength, improves coordination, encourages exploration and sets the stage for future mobility,” says Dr. Andrea Varela, a pediatrician and assistant professor of pediatrics at UTHealth in Houston.

Here, experts share when you can expect to see your baby roll over, how to support them during this stage and how to identify signs for concern. 

When do babies start rolling over

While experts agree the average developmental timeline for babies to start rolling over is around 4-6 months, they also emphasize that variations in this range are normal. So when do babies learn to roll over?

“Every baby has his or her own pace,” says Dr. Becca Susong of Surefooted Family in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Susong notes it’s normal for babies to roll a little earlier or later. “They typically roll from belly to back first because it’s easier (around 3-4 months) and then from back to belly (around 5-6 months) because it requires more strength,” she adds.

Why is rolling over important for babies?

As a developmental milestone, when your baby is able to move from back to belly, it improves their coordination and motor skills and sets them up to tackle their next motor skill. Varela lists a few overall benefits to rolling over: 

  • Helps babies transition between different positions, leading to sitting, crawling and walking.
  • Allows for greater interaction with the environment, improving sensory and cognitive skills.
  • Encourages babies to use their arms and legs symmetrically, strengthening their core and balance.

Factors that influence timing

Varela also notes that many factors can impact when your child starts to roll over, including the following: 

Tummy time exposure: Babies who have regular tummy time develop the strength and coordination needed for rolling over earlier than those who do not.

Opportunity for movement: Babies who are often in strollers, swings or carriers may take longer to roll over.

Muscle tone and individual differences: Some babies may naturally develop motor skills at a different pace due to their unique muscle tone, activity level or genetics.

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Rolling over is a key milestone for babies

According to research conducted by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), rolling over marks the beginning of a baby’s ability to control and coordinate multiple muscle groups, enabling movement of the head, neck, shoulders, hips and limbs. Here’s why rolling over is an essential skill for babies: 

Builds a foundation for motor development 

Rolling over helps develop muscle strength, core strength, balance and coordination, which are key for later milestones like sitting, crawling and walking.

Encourages exploration  

Once babies learn to roll, they can shift positions, reach for objects and interact more actively with their surroundings, supporting cognitive and sensory development.

Supports muscle maturation  

This movement strengthens the muscles necessary for postural control, balance and stability, which are critical for developing gross motor skills.

Develops step-by-step motor planning and learning 

Susong adds that rolling over leads to babies “learning how to string together movements.” For example, once babies learn to roll over, they may also discover how to use their knees to propel themselves toward a toy they want. 

How you can help your baby start rolling over

Susong says that although all milestones happen progressively, if you don’t observe your child moving towards rolling over by three months, you can help by being proactive in your choice of activities. She says it’s never too late to start doing the following things:

  • Tummy Time: Daily supervised tummy time will help your baby build strength toward rolling over, and eventually pulling up and crawling. 
  • Side-lying play: For older babies (3+ months old), side-lying helps them practice shifting their weight.
  • Motivation: Putting a toy (or puppy or sibling or mama!) just out of reach can encourage rolling and reaching.
  • Free floor space: Varela adds that providing free floor space will also encourage motor skill development. She says, “Babies who spend too much time in restrictive spaces (such as strollers, car seats or always being held) may miss opportunities to practice rolling over.” 
  • Seek advice from a pediatrician: Susong and Varela agree that if concerns persist, you may need to seek early intervention services or physical therapy to support your child’s motor development.

Safety considerations once your baby starts rolling 

As your child begins to roll over, their new independence can come with an increased need to keep them safe. Varela says staying vigilant and childproofing the space where your child is beginning to explore is crucial.  

“Ensure there is a safe floor area with a firm, flat surface, such as a play mat or blanket to allow your baby to safely practice tummy time and rolling,” she says. Varela adds that allowing your baby to practice on the floor instead of a bed or couch will reduce their risk of falling. 

Experts also recommend keeping small objects (like loose buttons or toys) that could pose a choking risk out of reach and using corner protectors on furniture to avoid injuries from sharp edges. 

According to the AAP, rolling also signals it’s time to transition away from swaddling. If your baby rolls onto their stomach while swaddled and cannot free themselves, they could suffocate. Experts recommend that all babies under a year old be placed on their back at bedtime. However, if your baby can roll over from their back to their side or stomach, you can leave them that way.

Additional resources for parents

Varela also points to milestone tools as ways to stay informed and reassured about your baby’s progress while promoting active engagement in their development. Track your baby’s milestones and get expert guidance through these CDC resources:

CDC milestone tracker app 

  • Tracks developmental milestones.
  • Provides tips on encouraging growth.
  • Outlines warning signs for when to seek medical advice.

CDC digital online milestone checklist 

  • Check off your child’s developmental milestones online.
  • Get guidance on what to expect at different ages.
  • Find recommendations if developmental delays are suspected.

When to consult your pediatrician

Experts agree you should always support your child’s unique pace of development. However, some signs indicate you should reach out for advice and support from a doctor. Things to watch for include: 

  • Between 4-6 months, your baby has not attempted to roll in either direction (from tummy to back or back to tummy).
  • Your baby doesn’t try to push up, kick or shift weight when on their belly or back.
  • Your baby seems stiff or overly floppy, struggling to coordinate movement.
  • Your baby is not reaching for toys or is showing a lack of interest in extending movements. 
  • Your baby shows a strong preference for one side, rolling only in one direction, which may indicate muscle imbalance.

Susong adds that if your baby always tilts their head to the same side, it may also indicate muscle tightness or a more serious muscular condition like torticollis, which will require medical intervention and treatment.

Final words on rolling over as a stage of development

Rolling over is a key milestone for your baby. It signals that they’re ready to develop the motor skills needed to explore the world around them more independently. Experts agree that the best way to support your baby’s development is to create a stimulating and safe environment that encourages movement with simple activities like daily tummy time.

Varela says, “Remember that milestone timing varies for each baby and that differences in motor development do not always indicate a problem — what’s most important is observing your child’s steady progress over time.” She adds that if you are concerned, you should discuss your baby’s development with your pediatrician. “In most cases, a slight delay is part of normal variability,” she adds. “Every baby develops at their own pace — and that’s perfectly OK.”