What Should I Do If I Can No Longer Babysit?

What Should I Do If I Can No Longer Babysit?

It’s a sad truth: Sometimes not all babysitting jobs work out. Perhaps there is an unforeseen scheduling conflict, or the job responsibilities have changed and you are no longer equipped to satisfy all requirements. Whatever the case may be, you feel you can no longer babysit for the family. Now what?

Typically, when someone can no longer work for a company they will give their boss two weeks notice.  This way the company is prepared for the employee’s departure and can start searching for a replacement. As a babysitter, you should do the same.

Be as professional as possible (especially if you want them to act as a reference for future jobs). Ask the parents if you can meet with them for a few minutes. Let them know that you can no longer sit for them on a regular basis and explain the reasons why. Depending on the status of your current relationship, you may want to provide a solution for the family as you transition out and help them find a replacement (a backup babysitter or a friend may want the job).

If you can babysit for them in the future, let them know. You should leave the opportunity open for future jobs with them.   

>>Have more babysitting questions? Return to the main Babysitting FAQs.

Tiffany Smith is the senior associate editor here at Care.com. She has written for All You, Time for Kids and the Boston Globe. And as a former babysitter, she knows a lot about fun games to play with kids. Getting them to eat their veggies — that’s a different story! Follow her on Twitter @tiffanyiswrite.

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Tiffany Smith has written for All You, Time for Kids and the Boston Globe.