I was so excited~Have patience
I applied for 6 jobs so far and I got 2 of them within 2 weeks. I was surprized and...
I applied for 6 jobs so far and I got 2 of them within 2 weeks. I was surprized and...
How do we get kids to give back? Connect them to community service from a young age and show them...
It only takes one mishap for life to change suddenly for an aging loved one. Even if your parent or...
Dazzling black gowns, tailored tuxedos, and the ever-familiar red carpet kicked off the 75th Golden Globes on Sunday night. But...
For people who have become more watchful of what goes into what they eat, the good news is that an...
When George Reilly was growing up in New York, his father had a nylon gym bag that he called his “death...
A life-limiting diagnosis can be a frightening prospect, but some people learn to use the opportunity to their advantage. They...
Although the Morgan Freeman-Jack Nicholson movie “The Bucket List” was in theaters more than a decade ago, people across America...
Seniors aged 65 and above will make up 18 percent of the nation’s population by 2030. Currently, Americans over the...
In her new book, “Now With You, Now Without,” actor and author Kathryn Leigh Scott writes about the isolation she...
If you’ve been providing care for any length of time then I’m sure you know exactly what I am talking...
“Mom, look at Grandma. She looks so pretty.” My twelve-year-old daughter discovered a picture of my mom in a box...
Looking back on your life, do you have any regrets? If you’re like most people, a few notable moments may...
Jenna said she didn’t think it was possible to feel worse than she already did after her mother’s death, but...
Cheaper prescriptions may come at a higher price. Most seniors are careful with managing their money, and prescription drugs offer...
Dolls can be a “miracle” for some dementia patients, but try before you buy. For Rose, dementia brought troubling problems...
Learn to move toward life with cardiac rehabilitation, medication, a heart-healthy diet, and cognitive therapy. It happened. You had a...
Once you find the right treatment, it’s possible to have a normal life with AFib. Atrial Fibrillation, or AFib, is...
For someone with dementia, a dog can put them at ease, brighten their mood, or help them carry on more...
Nearly half of all older adults need at least some kind of help with everyday activities, according to a 2014...
To understand the nuances of caregiving and how to navigate this uncertain terrain, I had a chance to interview Jody...
My high school buddies and I recently got together and reminisced about old times. “Can you believe we’re 60?” we...
At the tender age of 14, Angelina, an earnest and soft-spoken middle schooler, began caring for her mother, who suffered...
When my friend Morgan began caring for her father, I remember being surprised. I didn’t know Morgan’s dad was even...
Many of us have read the titillating and tragic story of Sumner Redstone, the former executive chairman of Viacom, and the...
In an effort to reduce identity theft and fraud, new Medicare cards were sent out beginning in April to more...
When Rick could not remember where he kept his trusted toolbox, and then forgot his computer passwords, Sandy — Rick’s...
An initiative on the ballot in Maine this November could bring free home care for seniors and higher wages for...
Not long ago, I was invited to speak—virtually—to an audience that you wouldn’t normally think of when you think about...
As Bette Davis famously quipped, “Old age ain’t no place for sissies.” My mother knows this all too well. In a couple of months, she’ll turn 90...
I often refer to my 89-year-old mother as the Energizer Bunny. She’s always on the go and is good at...
Aging parents may hesitate to ask for help while adult children struggle to step in. These tips can help ease...
If you have a nanny watching your kids or a senior caregiver taking care of a loved one, you know...
Several months ago my sister made a surprising suggestion: Let’s sit down with Mom and figure out how this whole...
Six in 10 people with Alzheimer’s or another form of dementia will wander away from their care settings, according to the Alzheimer’s Association. Disorientation begins...
Call it the era of American longevity: Currently, approximately 35 million citizens are 65 or older, a tenfold increase over the past...
From the moment we’re born, our parents have the responsibility to watch over and care for us. For most...
If you don’t yet have a last will and testament, you might be wondering if you really need to hire...
Caught between my dying mother and my teenaged son, I felt as if I couldn’t do anything right. Or could...
According to a recent Gallup poll, 56% of Americans do not have a will. Dying without a will means that state laws will...