How Can I Avoid Nursing My Baby to Sleep?
When my sons were born, I have to admit I would have done just about anything to get them...
When my sons were born, I have to admit I would have done just about anything to get them...
We all feel better after a good night’s rest, but sleep is so crucial for our children that they can...
Did you know that people commonly advise moms of twins to save time by using one utensil to feed...
Do your kids love finger paints as much as mine do? It’s a fun, easy activity we all enjoy on...
Total cooking confession: I love oatmeal products. I have eaten oatmeal every work day – for the past ten (or...
The outset of the summer months leads to higher usage levels of beaches, rivers and swimming pools. This also makes...
My house is full of almonds. I love to snack on them, cook with themand rub them on my body (almond...
Ah, the holidays. A time for twinkling lights, roaring fires, and of course — family. And what would quality family...
by Erin Leyba, LCSW, PhD A man wakes up happy. His son bounds down the stairs hollering and monkeying around. He wakes...
Meg is a caregiver currently living in Los Angeles, pursuing her primary passion as a traveling dancer. She uses to...
Side dishes don’t often get the the attention they deserve during the holidays. Personally, I love side dishes and often...
A new study shows that low levels of vitamin D in pregnant women play a crucial role in determining whether...
I absolutely LOVE all things fall. I love scarves, colder temperatures, warm sweaters and all things PUMPKIN. One of my favorite things about...
While most parents watch what they say around kids, it turns out that our nonverbal signals are just as powerful...
Something has been happening to me and I can’t figure out how to get it under control. I am breaking...
Want to win the battle on peanut allergies? Experts now say that feeding your child peanuts as early as infancy...
Believe it or not, but 2017 is FINALLY. HERE. And with it comes another chance to wipe that proverbial slate...
Disadvantages children face when they’re just 3 years old can accurately predict the types of problems they’ll face as adults,...
Few big choices come easy in parenting. What baby food to get, diapers to use or books to read can...
Well, it’s Friday the 13th friends, so naturally, the news today is a little effed up. Cue the story of...
Fifteen states — and D.C. — were included in a $52 million settlement. A 1980s dairy campaign told us, “Milk, it...
It turns out that whether your child is overweight or not has less to do with their actual weight gain,...
Last week, tech companies from across the country — and the world — descended on Las Vegas to show off...
Any animal cracker lovers with milk allergies will have to be on high alert if they’ve picked up a box... Get ready for your heart to melt out of your body: Mattel just launched a new commercial that shines a much-deserved...
We’ve all burned our toast and potatoes before – I know I have! But a new health campaign circulating throughout the...
Debra Soh is a sex and gender researcher, and every time she gives a public talk, she gets the same...
Image via Facebook/Whitney Meyer Image via Facebook/Whitney Meyer A pair of twin sisters from Illinois are melting hearts across the world. But...
You may remember last year when the Food and Drug Administration issued a warning to parents about giving infants homeopathic...
We were not welcome here. A group of deeply religious foreigners from a shunned faith, speaking with accents, seeking refuge in...
In addition to being a famous model, chef and TV hostess, Chrissy Teigen is known for shutting down hateful comments...
Giving your child a sibling can be the greatest gift and the greatest curse. The rewards of having a baby...
Image via U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Have you purchased any patio furniture from Home Depot in the last 10...
A 10-year-old Texas boy was inspired to invent a device that could help children forgotten in hot cars from heat-related...
It’s a situation that no parent ever wants to be in: Witnessing your child get hurt — and there’s absolutely...
Megan Giddens, a social worker from Orlando, FL, remembers how she felt when she was diagnosed with a little-known virus,...
This post is written by Sarah Bateup. Sarah is a qualified Psychotherapist and also the Clinical Lead at PsychologyOnline who provide...
Recently, a British nanny stirred controversy with an article that claimed that modern parenting skills are falling short. Her main...
A “chain” of kidney donations involving eight people helped save the lives of four individuals including a police officer from...
Check your refrigerators! Sargento is one of the latest companies affected in a national cheese recall prompted by a possible...