The Military Family Care Plan: What You Need To Know
Naval Lt. JG Rachel Thomas, 25, didn’t take her mother seriously when she warned against attending the US Naval Academy. ...
Naval Lt. JG Rachel Thomas, 25, didn’t take her mother seriously when she warned against attending the US Naval Academy. ...
My husband is a lieutenant colonel in the U.S. Army and, in the 10 years we’ve been together, we’ve had...
For some lucky women, breastfeeding is a walk in the park. For others, it’s an uphill battle. From plugged milk...
Here’s good news for moms having trouble with their breast milk supply — eating more cookies can help! Whether you...
If you are a breastfeeding mom returning to work, or just pumping your milk for the occasional outing, you probably...
When you’re a mom with a cold, you worry about getting your kids sick, and this is especially true if...
Whether you’re trying to build up a supply of stored breast milk for your return to work or stockpiling for...
Few things are more peaceful than seeing your sleepy baby nap quietly. She looks adorable, and you and your partner...
You may have heard about dream feeding from your neighbor or mom’s group, but you may not know exactly what...
Kate Dimpfl, a mom from Ithaca, New York, still remembers those four excruciating months when her first son, Oscar —...
You’ve changed, fed and burped your newborn baby, yet as you lay him, drowsy-eyed, in the crib, he’s suddenly wide...
Ask 10 of your friends how they got their babies to sleep through the night, and you’ll get 10 different...
You’ve got two little bundles of joy in your life, which means double the fun and double the questions. Where...
At some point in every new parent’s life, the lure of a baby swing is hard to resist. For many...
A crib for your baby is certainly one of the most important purchases you’ll make. But how do you know...
Babies love bath time. But don’t put your little one in a baby bath seat. The U.S. Consumer Product Safety...
Lots of new moms know exercise is a great way to condition their post-baby bodies, but fitting in workout time...
No matter how watchful a parent or caregiver you are, accidents happen, and it’s possible that an accident may involve...
Taking care of a newborn is a 24-hour job, as bleary-eyed new parents everywhere can attest. Twins come with double...
You’ve just settled in for the night when the harsh sound of your baby coughing startles you. A quick check...
It isn’t uncommon for parents to reach for the thermometer when their baby is fussy, cranky or generally seems off....
As a new parent, it’s scary to see any bumps, funny colors or other signs of trouble on your precious...
If you’re a parent, you probably have a pile of books on your nightstand. Books you’ve read and loved, books...
My husband and I are about to become outnumbered. We have two beautiful little girls at home, and I’m expecting...
Your twin boys are playmates, best friends and partners in crime. When boys come in pairs, you get double the...
Amanda, a Manhattan mom, appears to have it all: Two cute little girls, a great husband and a job that...
Though it can certainly be a challenge to care for more than one young child at a time, there are...
The relationship between a grandparent and grandchild is an important one. In fact, a study by the American Sociological Association...
Building a strong relationship with your stepchildren can be a bit like walking a tightrope. You need to find a...
A solid father-daughter relationship is essential for the mental health and well-being of a little girl as she grows up....
Though the love between you and your daughter is infinite, your relationship can be complicated. There are those amazing golden...
As a mom, you’re always getting advice on how to raise your kids. If you have a son, you might...
It’s hard enough to picture our babies in their first boyfriend/girlfriend relationships as teens, but what happens when your 5-year-old...
An elephant mom is one of the many groups that parents can be classified as. Like their namesake in the...
Brainstorming names. Buying a crib. Picking birth announcements. There are many exciting aspects to family planning that make you coo,...
You may have walked by them dozens of times at the gym without as much as a second glance, but...
Do you have a bundle of joy headed your way? If so, you’ll need a method to transport him from...
It’s hard to believe that your tiny baby needs so much stuff. You’ve probably been planning and adding to your...
There’s nothing more exciting than sharing the news of your pregnancy with your family and friends. And whether you announce...
The prospect of raising twins can seem like a daunting task, two mouths to feed, two bottoms to diaper, twice...