5 Kid-Friendly Picnic Ideas
When the sun is out and the kids are home, why sit inside eating lunch when you can enjoy a...
When the sun is out and the kids are home, why sit inside eating lunch when you can enjoy a...
Is family game night at your house fun — or do the games feel like work? Do the kids find...
Movie nights (or days!) are a great way to spend some extra time with family, so why not make them a...
Sometimes a last-minute weekend adventure is just what your family needs! No matter the season, there’s always something you can...
When your toddler gets a bout of diarrhea, sometimes it’s scary not knowing what to do. Should you just keep...
Insect bites are just as much a mainstay of summer as the family barbecue — but much less enjoyable! Luckily,...
Sniffling, coughing, watery eyes. These symptoms sound familiar? They’re common allergy complaints. Whether you’re a professional housekeeper who serves clients...
Your child has just been diagnosed with a tree nut allergy, and you feel like there’s a boogeyman lurking around...
Your toddler just broke out in a rash, and you wonder whether he could be allergic to the melon he...
When spring or fall hits, allergic rhinitis — or seasonal allergies (or hay fever) as it’s often referred to —...
Hives in children are no fun for anyone. Your little one is itchy, uncomfortable and irritable, and you’re worried the...
Have seasonal allergy symptoms such as sneezing, an itchy nose and coughing got your child down? Have you ever thought...
When my daughter developed a cough that seemed to last forever, my husband and I were baffled. Was it a...
Your baby is fussy, even after you’ve ruled out dirty diapers and hunger. He doesn’t ever seem to sleep more...
When your children have sensitive skin, it can seem like every type of lotion you put on them causes itching...
Making hygiene for kids a part of your toddler’s daily routine can be … well, a little messy, especially when...
Stress is more prevalent than ever in American families, and no one is feeling it more than our kids, according...
To cut or not to cut — that is the decision that many moms of newborn boys face today. Welcome...
When researching our piece on “Taking Care of a Newborn,” source Jennifer Walker, an Atlanta area RN BSN and co-founder...
There’s nothing more rewarding than seeing your son’s face light up with all of the fun and activities for his...
Planning a kids’ party can be stressful, and there’s so much to consider. Where should you have it? What kind...
Need some magical Harry Potter party ideas to impress your little wizards? It’s not surprising that Harry Potter still casts...
According to the experts, when it comes to car seat safety, it’s what you don’t know that can put children...
Once you have kids, travel gets a lot more complicated. You can no longer just hop in a car in...
While chat rooms for kids present themselves as safe places for kids to connect, are they safe? While you want...
After your child has been in a forward-facing car seat for a few years, you may be wondering when he...
Booster seat requirements are enough to make any parent’s head spin, but it’s an essential part in keeping children safe...
Pop quiz: What does the carton of milk in your refrigerator and the car seat in your minivan have in...
Infant seats. Convertible seats. Front-facing. Rear-facing. With so many options, choosing a car seat can be a daunting experience. What...
Embarking on a search to find the right car seat is pretty much a guaranteed way to make a person’s...
Motor vehicle injuries are the leading cause of death among kids in the U.S., according to the CDC. While this...
If you’re an expectant or new parent, you’re probably being bombarded by impassioned, well-meaning advice from your mom, your neighbor...
Employers may one day find themselves being asked a favor they feel they can’t refuse, or a nanny may have...
As part of the mandated Family Care Plan, military parents must have a document in place stating caregiving policies while...
This content is provided courtesy of USAA. Thinking about moving to a new home or a new part of the...
Military families move an average of once every three years. Next to divorce and death of a relative, experts say...
The summer that Nate Corizzo turned 13, he became old enough to play teen-rated video games like “Call of Duty.”...
Lauren Westgate, 28, threw away her birth control pills the day she got married 2006, but she couldn’t start trying...
Lila Vizzard knew precisely what to expect when her husband, Lt. Col. James Vizzard, was deployed to Afghanistan in December,...
The only constant for a military family is constant change, and school is no exception. According to the Military Child...